The Highest Level of Perfection!

By Mohamed Bazzy

We humans, an image of intelligence through which we are the core of this creation, are the guardians of this plane. Had we appointed to our interaction with the universe signs of dominance or transgression, we would then see the aches of history buried down our feet!
Thus it is a discourse of responsibility we should take on our shoulders, as to discover, learn, and build for the survival of the global.
Amongst all plants, animals, living and non-living beings, we are honored by the signs of intellect that demarcates between construction and deconstruction. It is the basis of knowledge from which all sciences stem their methods and orient their goals. In Islam, the beauty of knowledge is that of its tri-dimensional base: God, Man, and the Universe. The interaction is dialectical; yet profoundly rooted within coherence and intelligibility.
Reflecting its importance, the first word that manifested sovereignty is the Arabic "إقرأ" "Read"! Amongst the unfolded linguistic capacity in the Arabic literature, "Read" was in the front holding the cresset for the blessed enlightenment; lifting both the Arabs and the West, afterwards, from ages of darkness to periods of thought and humanity.
"Read" is not an order that is forced on Man with power and tyranny. Rather it is molded with the antiquity of being and with that essence of him that shall always be the oar of his ship!
God: the Creator of all, the omnipotent and omniscient. The Sole-giver, Whom from His Blessings order, beauty, and science saw the light and paved the way for His elected vicegerent.
Man: The Central creature that which all other reflections of God orbit and bow! He took the responsibility, by his rationality and moral spirituality, of encompassing reality in terms of its theoretical philosophy and applied actuality.
The Universe: it is those reflections of God and the manifestations of His will. It is the origins of Man and his field of search and actions.
"Tawhid" is the Unity of the Divine Principle. It unites the integrated world of multiplicity, the various fields and domains of knowledge, under the coherent intersection of the Rationale and the Innate Constitution of the Soul. It is the underlying principle that bonds the fragmented fields and realities of knowledge in the intellect of Man and his soul. It becomes his ultimate reality from which he perceives the world.  From this converging lens, the multiple fields of interaction with the physical becomes a unity, an up thrust, and an uprising force towards liberation; liberation from ignorance, transgression, and servitude of the self and yearnings.
This is the highest level of perfection attained by the profound understanding of Tawhid and by implementing its foundations starting from knowledge, as a critical philosophy, of the self, the universe, and God.
Consequently, knowledge is critical to Man that without it he loses his essentiality in this creation and centrality on this plane. It is that alleviating factor that sublimates his essence from sheer materiality to exalted spirituality, once "Tawhid" is recognized as the ultimate truth connecting the multiple realities, being as the unity of the Divine Principle.

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