Death. A topic many tend to neglect and avoid. Have you ever noticed how when you start a conversation about death, the other person tries to end it, or vice versa…?
Ever wondered why? It is bound to happen, and we all know it is. Then why do we avoid this topic? Does fear overcome our thoughts and pull us away from digging more into death and what happens afterwards?
Okay, so we all know that death is inevitable, right? We are all going to die and we all must face this fact. No one will ever escape death, no matter where she/he goes and runs off to. Even if you isolate yourself from the world and live your whole life in your room…The Angel of Death will eventually visit you when it is your time to leave this world.
Seems scary thinking about death and how it can happen any second. I could die while reading this, and so can you. But it is all written for us. The date and time of our death has been set already by our Creator. I could be hit by 10 cars all at once, and still live, because it is not my time to leave yet. Allah (swt) alone knows when each person’s time is.
Yes, what I am saying is general knowledge, I know, and I apologize if I am being mundane. However, my point is, you should always put in mind, that you can pass away any second. Ask yourself these questions:
- · “Do I want to end my life like this?”
- · “What good have I done with my life?”
- · “If I die now, would Allah (swt) be please with what I have accomplished in this Dunyah?”
- · “Is it enough for me to meet Allah (swt) with only these deeds?”
- · “I want Allah (swt) to be pleased with me, not the opposite.”
If you keep these questions in mind, you will surely be productive almost 24/7. Every action you take would be to please Allah (swt) and for the sake of Him.
Now we ask this question. Must a true believer fear death?
The answer is very simple: No.
But why not?!
That is because, as believers and true worshippers of ONLY Allah (swt), we should look forward to death. Death would be a mercy on a believer. It would take him/her away from this deceiving, temporary Dunyah and its Fitnahs.
A believer would not be afraid because he would know that his actions, insha’Allah, are all for the sake ofAllah (swt), and are all, insha’Allah, considered good deeds. Any sin that happened in the past, he would have repented for it and asked Allah (swt) to forgive him. And because of these, a true believer should not be afraid of Death.
However, a person who fears death is one who knows that he has nothing to offer Allah(swt) when he passes away. He has not done any good in his life and has sinned greatly. Such a person would not look forward to death, and would try to avoid talking about it as much as he can. Such a person is one who enjoys this Dunyah and its pleasures. He would succumb to his desires and ignore Islam and its laws.
So we ask Allah (swt) to guide us, and to make us amongst the righteous and pious who strive to pleaseAllah (swt) and cannot wait to meet Him; which entails not fearing death and what comes afterwards. Ameen ya Rab.
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