Come to know

I am a hidden treasure. A treasure so vast I must be known.
So be... become...and come to know.

Incredible, and waiting to be known.

Keep looking, for you can never know Him enough.

Even when you think you've found the gold, dig deeper to find the diamonds ahead.

Even when you think you've found the chest, you've yet to open it to witness the treasure within.

It's not enough to know He is everywhere.


Through knowledge, He knows all there is to be know about all there is to be known.

He surrounds you through space and surrounds you through time beyond everywhere

He is so close, yet so far away, you need a lifetime to reach...

No one word can describe Him.

Keep looking, you can never know enough.

Just names,words, one human invention,  just a window.

 اسماء الله الحسنى

Just windows into an infinite world, mere treasure chests with treasure beyond our minds.

Keep looking, only time and life will tell you more. Look for his love in a mother's care. Look for his mercy in your own prayer.

Are you in pain? Well come to know. He wants to show you the treasure He is.

Keep looking, you can never know enough, even if you don't, it's not about how much you know by the end.

He just loves to know you live to find Him.

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