The my mind

By Noura Soubra

You know how in movies and cartoons, they always show you this "perfect" world: good beats evil, the hero that saves the world, and the romantic love story "happily ever after"? We watch it, enjoy it, then: "Awww! I wish that is the way real life is!"

Well, guess what?! This perfect world, already existed, at least for me! 1400 years ago...We just need a time machine to go back and live there...simple! A more complex idea would be to "create" this world in our everyday life...pretty challenging huh?

I guess you might already know "my world" from the "1400" but let me tell you about it anyways.
It was a world, where a constant battle between good and evil took place, the battle is still ongoing, but at that time, a major change caught my attention:
A man, from the "evil side", was determined to kill the "head of the good side"...he ended up defending him.
Another man, was the reason they won one of the battles...he ended up fighting on the good side.
I can go on and on, telling you stories, of hundreds of people, who switched from one "extreme" to the other, in an unbelievable way.

My hero:
He was "the head of the good side"...and still is...after 1400 years, he is the still the leader of millions of people.
He saved the world? In my opinion, yes he did! Not that he stopped a comet striking earth, or fought against aliens, or protected us from a natural disaster...he didn't.  What he did was greater than that. He was a true leader, a real man, a romantic husband, a good neighbor...what else can I say? He inspired many, to the extent that almost every single detail of his life is the extent that he was praised by his own enemy.

He was also the hero of that romantic love story, with a literal ending of "happily EVER after". He used to race his young wife, drink from the same spot of the cup, feed her with his hands, he even chose to die in her house, in her arms.

His perfect world ,a legacy, remained lived in by many after his death.
Today, I wish he was with us, or at least, within each and every one of us, maybe then, we could live in that perfect world again.

I dream of a world, where I can say to anybody I meet: Assalamu Alaykum, without feeling "weird" or "extremist".
I dream of a world, where I can wear a Hijab, and even Niqab, without being looked at as "backward, ignorant, terrorist"
I dream of a world, where I can say in sha Allah, without being misunderstood and rejected.
I dream of a world, where Muslims will stop following others blindly, and have their own principles.
I dream of a world, where Muslims truly apply the teachings of Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him, by loving for one another what each loves for themselves, by being merciful, compassionate, loving, and caring as he was, in every detail of our daily life: the way we treat maids and concierge and janitors, and even our own brothers and sisters. The way we drive, we park our car. The way we eat, sleep and wake-up. The way we work and have fun. The way we live!
I dream of a world where we realize that truly we are in this life nothing but passengers.
I dream of a world where people help each other, without knowing each other or having a personal interest just because this somebody needed help.
I dream of a world where Muslims realize that Islam is a religion of peace.
I dream of a world where Muslims tolerate each other and other religions as well.
I dream of a world, it might not become true, but if I live that dream, I'll have that world in my life too.

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